Refund Policy

Backed By Our 120% Money Back Guarantee

If you aren't satisfied with Fight Simulator for ANY reason, just let us know and we'll...

Issue you a full refund

Let you keep the headset

Throw in $10 for trying*

* No joke. We are so confident that Fight Simulator will be a game-changer for your fight training, that you'll never want to lose access to your membership.

Terms and conditions: We will honor the 120% guarantee for one year from your purchase. That means you can try out 120 rounds of footage with Fight Simulator (10 rounds a month for 12 months) before deciding to cancel, and still get 120% of your purchase back. If you decide to cancel, please email with the subject "Refund". You must have either PayPal or Venmo to receive your extra $10 refund. Due to security reasons, we can't send it to your original payment method. Once you are refunded, you will lose access to all your Fight Simulator footage and may not be allowed to rejoin at a later date.

Last updated: 2/4/2022. Please check the membership order page for the latest details.