DeoVR Example

Fight Simulator Membership

Sample Footage - iPhone Users


Due to what seems to be a glitch in the latest YouTube app update, iPhone users can no longer play VR videos on their iPhone YouTube app.

The good news is that we are rolling out a NEW VR video player that is better than the YouTube app in almost every way!

Here's how iPhone users can can use it with their headsets right away:

  1. Click the play button on any of the fighter videos below (ignore the "Open in DeoVR" button)
  2. Place your phone in landscape and click the Go VR  button to put the video into split screen mode.
  3. Safari may ask you for Motion + Orientation permissions - please allow them.
  4. For the best experience, tap the "aA" icon near your address bar and click Hide Toolbar.
  5. Place the phone inside your headset and enjoy!

You can adjust the playback speed directly from inside the VR headset (use the trigger button built into your headset to select it on the video player).

If any of the above steps didn't work for you, shoot me an email at letting me know. Screenshots will be super helpful.

Founder - Fightmersive

Sample Footage


Muay Thai

Pro WBC USA National Champion, 9-time Amateur Champion

10 x 3-minute rounds